Flat Light

There is an expression we use when cross-country skiing in Norway: flat light. That’s when the sun doesn’t pierce the sky, the landscape and the sky blend together into a colourless oneness.

You can still see the trail a few meters ahead and if you keep to the trail, you’ll be fine, but there is no real horizon or landmarks to navigate you back to the cabin. Eventually, just by keeping track, you’ll return but maybe not via the route you thought.

During the past week, I’ve had that feeling of flat light. The main tool and torch would be my Yoga practice with you and on my own. Moving through and with the breath is a terrific instrument to disperse the flat light. During practice and after, there are clear contours and the inner and outer landscapes stand forth. I feel very lucky to share that with many of you.

The Yoga practice changes not only with the physical and mental form you’re in but also with the seasonal changes and we’re now heading towards the winter solstice, one month away. We tend to be slightly stiffer during the winter months, like frozen trees and have to adapt the practice accordingly. For example, I need a slightly longer warm-up and more depth in my breathing practice.

Meanwhile, I’m busy with my new toy, a sort of half-log, flat on one side and rounded on the other. With the feet on the flat side, I try to balance on the log without touching my toes or heels on the mat. If I’m feeling wild and crazy, I’ll close my eyes, and will then, most definitely lose my balance. It’s simple fun for simple girls.

Strengthening my balance is a top priority these days. Maybe I can blame the wobbles on the lack of daylight (but more likely the flat light feeling)! Welcome to join me on the mat. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have a special challenge you want to work on in a private session outside of the group classes.

Warm regards,

P.S. Yesterday morning in my eastward-facing little studio, the mat was lit by the sun rising mightily from behind the tree tops. It carried a strong message: today is not a flat light day and it was followed by today’s flaming sky.